Our Team

We Are Texans!

Texans Anesthesia is comprised of anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists that work together to form the highest quality and most cost-effective anesthesia and perioperative services in Houston and the surrounding communities. We are a full-service anesthesia practice of dedicated, experienced physicians who believe in working with our patients and surgeons to deliver high-quality care. We provide services for all types of surgeries and all subspecialties. Our physicians believe in providing comprehensive healthcare services to our patients in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Each physician is in good standing with the American Board of Anesthesiology and comes to our practice with years of experience.


Dr. Canh Nguyen

Dr. Peter Chang

Dr. Dana Parker

Dr. Raymond Kim

Dr. Curtis Larson

Dr. Timothy Hollenbeck

Dr. Tanner Baker

Dr. Ashvin Reddy

Dr. Kelly Smith

Dr. Timothy Hollenbeck

Dr. Tanner Baker

Dr. Ashvin Reddy

Management Committee

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